Elementary Program
Our elementary wing serves students in grades 1-8. Because classes are combined (grades 1/2, 3/4, 4/5, and 7/8), many courses are taught in 2-year cycles.
Bible is mostly taught using the story-telling method in the younger grades. Our school has adopted the CARE Bible curriculum but also uses, Show Me Thy Ways by Gertrude Hoeksema as a regular resource.
Saxon Math is taught from grades 1-8. Each lesson builds on the previous one; each year expands on the content learned the year before. By the time students finish this challenging program, they are competent in math.
Open Court textbooks & VOWAC curriculum are used as a primary resource for language arts in grades 1-4. In addition, a wide variety of reading is encouraged and we study a number of novels each year. The staff has worked hard to implement a high and consistent standard of writing across the grades. Zaner-Bloser Handwriting is taught each year; cursive is emphasized from grade 3 and up.
Both science and history for the early grades is taught by way of unit studies. Grades 3-6 use Christian Schools International’s Science textbooks. History lessons for grades 3-6 are based on the Veritas system: there is no textbook; rather, content cards, and timelines help students to remember pertinent information. Grades 3 and 4 delve into the ancient cultures: Egyptian, Mycenaean, Minoan, Greek, and Roman. Grades 5 and 6 study the Reformation study of U.S. History both years. As in language arts and science, history studies in grades 7/8 move beyond the elementary foundation and serve as a transition into high school.